Sonntag, 1. Januar 2012

2nd post ('cause I am bored)

this post is about HxC, Metal, Deathcore, etc. (Metalcore...).
For someone who never listens to such music everything seems like the same loud screaming and trashy guitars. It's not that simple. The root of HxC is Punk. In general the lyrics are about fury. For instants Hatebreed's song Destroy Everything. In nearly every HxC (-->Hardcore)-song the tempo of the song changes after a while, called Breakdown. Example. <-- this is more Deathcore than HxC the main difference in my opinion(!) is that Deathcore is even more brutal. HxC/Deathcore-Bands use a lot of double bass in their songs.
Metal is a lot more melodic and often tells you story's about witchcraft and fairy tales and stuff.

Enough for today. I go to bed.
BTW happy 2nd day of 2012!

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